FMCSA Operating Authority – MC Number
Motor carriers who plan to operate as “for-hire” carriers in interstate commerce must obtain an FMCSA Operating Authority (also referred to as an MC, FF, or MX Number or MC Authority) in order to do so. An Operating Authority or MC Number is needed in addition to a USDOT number.
The Operating Authority dictates the type of operation the company will be running and the type of cargo a company will carry.
Operating Authorities also dictate the type and level of insurance that a carrier must maintain.
Who Needs an Operating Authority, MC, FF or MX Number?
Carriers who plan on carrying cargo on a “for-hire” basis must obtain an operating authority from the FMSCA with certain exemptions.
A company may not be required to have an operating authority if they are a Private carrier or if it is hauling exempt commodities such as those that are not federally regulated.
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Examples of commodities that are exempt are livestock, plants, vegetables and flowers, certain forms of fish and fruits. Click here for the list provided by the FMCSA.
Go Trucking USA can help carriers get operating authorities and have MC Numbers delivered the same day. Email us or call us today at (909) 347-5005.